Fellows of the AOCA (FAOCA)Meet the AOCA FellowsFellow status is earned through active participation in both the profession and the organization. A potential candidate may be nominated by any member of the College and must be sponsored by an existing Fellow. Please click on the link above for a list of fellows or contact AOCA for help finding a sponsor. The nomination and nominee's CV are circulated to the Awards and Honors Committee for review and determination. The hooding ceremony occurs at the Annual Convention during the Conclave. At that time each recipient receives a plaque, medallion and lapel pin honoring their achievements. After the Conclave ceremony, these individuals are permitted to include the letters, F.A.O.C.A. after their degree. Steps, Process & Timeline
Nominate a FellowAny questions, please contact the Awards & Honors Committee Chair and/or the AOCA office. |