Advocacy Committee

Chair: David Klingensmith, DO, FAOCA, MBA

Steven Insler, DO, FAOCA
Jeffrey Kyff, DO, FAOCA
Tanya Schnell, DO, FAOCA

Ex-Officio Member:
Ursula Landman, DO, FAOCA

Emerging Professionals:
Dennis Elengickal

Strategy: Advocate 
AOCA is a community of key and emerging leaders who advance osteopathic anesthesiology and advocate on behalf of physician anesthesiologists and their patients. 

Committee Mission: Advocacy 
  • Create relationships with national/state organizations.
    • AOA 
    • ASA 
    • FSMB 
    • State societies  
  • Provide content to Member Engagement Committee.
  • Create official statements from the AOCA.