Finance & Budget Committee

Karen Flotildes Romo, DO, FAOCA

Rafal Kopanczyk, DO, FAOCA
Michael Fabbro, DO, FAOCA

Ellesse Credaroli, DO
Sean Washek, DO
Aaron Douglas, DO, FAOCA

Ex-Officio Members:
Ursula Landman, DO, FAOCA
Jessica Goeller, DO, FAOCA

  • AOCA is transparent regarding AOCA’s financial status and fiduciary accountability while investing in strategic initiatives that are aligned with the strategic plan.
  • AOCA develops the culture and leadership of the College’s board and volunteer members to become strategic, innovative, and diverse. 

Committee Mission: Manage the AOCA’s Annual Finances and Budget
  • Review monthly financial reports.
  • Create the annual budget for BOG approval.
  • Consider potential revenue streams.
  • Review and develop longitudinal financial projections of initiatives.